Saturday, October 19, 2024
I do not bind you the way "God" bound his only son to be slain for the people. I only see you, fully and without restriction, and offer yourself back to you, unfettered and free. I do not decide your fate - that is all up to you, and the way your threads weave and tug into the Greater Web. There is nothing I can do to save your soul. Nothing I can do to give you everything your heart desires. I cannot hunt your prey or fatten your cows. I never wished to do these things in the first place. Humans have so many demands. I only show you what weapons you hold in your hands, the seeds stuck to the bottom of your shoes. I know that someday you will die. I wish for you also to know this truth.
"Do not fear death. Be afraid of the unlived life." -Tuck Everlasting
Oh, you horribly misguided priestess. Build that ego. Construct your life. Become strong, make yourself beautiful, fatten the cow. A skinny cow is worth next to nothing to the starving children. Man cannot live on bread alone. What do you need? Do not deny yourself. You will grow tired of the monotony. Tie up your lover and eat the cake. Push your body to its limits and then lie recumbent in the grass. Scream and shout in both the pleasure and the pain. Let that bloodied, war-torn Hope possess your entire body, and go forward into the battles of your life.