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Writer's pictureIsobel Black

Starseeds - An Offense to the Land | Channeling the Morrigan

The Morrigan has been urging me to speak on the topic of "starseeds" for some time now. I've been putting it off for a while for two reasons: 1) it didn't seem like that important of a topic for me to talk about (I was wrong lol), and 2) I don't like stepping on people's toes. Just because I disagree with something, think it's cringey or nonsensical, doesn't mean I should publicly dog on it. Especially in terms of spirituality and religion, seeing as these are such subjective and personal topics. I've certainly experienced things that are unexplainable and probably don't make sense to anyone outside of myself.

The thing about "starseeds" (and honestly the entire worldview that encapsulates the concept) is that it's always felt very strange and icky to me. I could never put my finger on why that is. It just seemed... off. Then again, as I stated previously, I know that what I'm doing here probably also seems "off" to a lot of people. But to me, in my gut, the whole ideology that so many new agers follow these days just feels wrong somehow.

I want to be clear: I don't think that everyone claiming to be a starseed, channel the galactic federation, or follow any sort of outer space new age belief system have malicious intent. In fact, I think many of them have good intent. But this doesn't remove the ickiness that's always been there for me within their rhetoric. It's similar to how I view most Christians. Many of them are spiritually inclined people with good intentions, with no other frameworks with which to work. And then, somewhere along the way, they become the perpetrators of what they themselves once fell victim to. It's a never ending cycle.

I am working on some notes - and honestly, also working up the courage - to make a video on this subject in the near future. I promised The Morrigan I would do it, so now it's an inevitability. I just gotta work up enough adrenaline to make it happen. :)

The following message is a combination of things The Morrigan wanted to communicate to me, and anyone else who may need a little riling up to speak their truth. She first begins by asking me why I refuse to "speak with my own tongue"; in other words, say what I really mean. Then She explains to me why the starseed and new age ideology has felt off to me. I was never able to put it into words until She gave me this message.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Are you a healer, or a people pleaser? A seer, or a soothe-sayer? What does your soul see, starve for, and emit? There is a truth that you know, and your sense of self preservation will not let you say it. This is understandable, but not honorable. This is not my way. Speak with your own tongue, see with your own eyes, pray with your own hands clasped. You may decide to close your eyes in the face of oncoming battle, but how is that right by the soldiers, your tribesmen at your side? Nobody likes war but sadists. You don't have to like something in order to acknowledge it. The first step to extinguishing a fire is seeing the smoke and flames. Do not worry about what caused it, or where it originally came from. That information is not necessary to begin gathering buckets of water, to scream to the family inside that they'd better get out, to call the necessary forces to the scene. It's not your job to see and investigate, filled to the brim with morbid curiosities. This helps no one, fixes nothing. Are you a healer, or a people pleaser?

Don't be scared of a little pushback, of conflict, when the war is a righteous one. All this starseed bullshit has to stop. It is an affront to the earth, the land, the soil. It doesn't sit right in your bones because your bones - the earth that constructs you and your very soul - are offended by it. It is the most ungrounded and convoluted way of looking at things. It is the very definition of looking outside of yourself for the answers.

Will you allow the Land to be further destroyed in the hearts of mankind? Will you allow your fellow spiritual seekers to fall down the rabbit hole of reprehensible, and irreversible self destruction?

19) The Eye (from Deviant Moon's Gallery of Hallucinations oracle)

The merging of logic and intuition. Seeing through illusion and deception. Psychic insight. Awakening to hidden or forbidden knowledge.

And this is the problem with so many religions these days: they place spirit above body, body above mind, self above others. Body is the land upon which your spirit resides. Mind is the oxygen and hydrogen needed for your body to live, to restore itself, to remain. Spirit is the unknown part of yourself, residing in the deepest cave next to the largest ocean. Self is the sum of all of these parts, and other is just the same. Your tribesmen and enemies, too, contain all of these things.

I am like blood, like the water, the rivers running throughout the Land and splitting into creeks and ponds, spilling into that ocean.

From every inch of the mire

They claw to grasp for what was never theirs to take

Ignorance is a poison

They feed their kids and then they walk among us

~They're All Around Us, by Poppy

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