Saturday, August 3, 2024
Who has taken you from your homes? Impregnated you with unwanted children, put you on display for all men to gawk at you, made fun of your nakedness? Who has been your enemy all this time, while claiming to love you?
I came so that men might learn the pain they cause. I cursed them, so that they might feel the searing pain of life ripping through them that is the source of all existence. Separating mother from child, child from womb, it is "natural" and yet, unnatural. It feels as good as a man being separated from his own head, or having his heart cut from his chest.
How are we meant to function in this way? Headless, heartless, womb-less. Yes, man from woman and once, woman from man. Before division it was just all, only one. But this "one" is a thing which you cannot comprehend, for it wasn't just a single thing. It was everything. And now, it is scattered throughout the universe and you are, every one of you, grasping for a thing you're not sure exists.
I am the pain and the war and blood. I am the book in an unknown language which directs you to the source. I feel the pain of your longing and confusion of existence itself.