Wednesday, September 18, 2024
I received this message after getting the terrible news that someone in my family had passed away. It was completely unexpected. To be honest, I became afraid of The Morrigan, and wondered if it was my/Her fault that this person died, since She is a "goddess of Death." I asked Her to be honest with me about this - does She inflict Death? This was Her reply.
There will always be Death, doom staring you right in the face, hiding just around the corner. You will always be afraid of me. Always fear the Crow. Yet it is not the Crow that kills. The Crow carries what Death has claimed off into the Big Somewhere Else. The vulture consumes what life is left inside the rotten bones of fallen soldiers. Who else, I ask you? Who else but the mighty Crow, the crowned vultures covered in shit, the children you plate in armors of bronze? What else is there left for them? The unclaimed, war torn, and weary?